Mr. K. Vijayaraghavan has over 35 years of experience providing strategic, functional, and project advisory services to the private sector, government organizations, and leading non-government organizations in several parts of the world. He has rendered consultancy services for life sciences industry development in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, USA, Brazil, Malaysia, China, and parts of Europe. He has been instrumental in creating a number of private-private, public-private, and public-public partnerships in agriculture, animal and human health, and food industries. Mr. Vijayaraghavan is a technology management professional and a Registered Technology Transfer Practitioner (RTTP). Mr. Vijayaraghavan is the Vice Chairman of the Cornell Sathguru Foundation of Development. He is the founding director and chairman of Sathguru, the local implementing partner for Cornell in Asia and Africa. He has more than 35 years of project management experience with his pioneering role in technology convergence for the public good, validation mentoring for biotech products, and policy advocacy. Mr. Vijayaraghavan has worked closely with policy planners to frame and implement the biotech policies, initiate technology licensing agreements, and develop technology transfer frameworks between public-private and institutions in Asia and Africa